The qoute

This is from the novel by George R. R. Martin: A Game of Thrones

- "I don't even know who my mother was." (Jon)

- "Some woman, no doubt. Most of them are."(Tyrion)

29 April 2010

Science and magic

So last night I was reading Eldest (Christopher Paolini), and I came acoss a pragraf that explained science with magic. I mean is that great or what! I love it. I belieave that is part of the reason why I chose to study subjects such as biology and astronomy in school, because I want some explainations to be just a bit mysterious. A little bit silly I know, but I sometimes just want magic to explain everything.
But actually I have found a couple such things. For intance in astronomy the whole Big Bang teory can be explained different ways, and one of them (and the most common as far as I know) is with these two concepts, called dark stuff and dark energy. These are two concepts that are almost totally unknown. They have just been given a name, but it is unknown what exately is behind the name. It is great.
And this is just one thing, because if you look into black holes, you'll discover that it is tecnecly is possibly to go backwards in time! WOW

Which leads my to something else I thought about last night. When I am to die, it would be the coolest way to do it would be by falling into a black hole or a maelstrom. That would be like discovering something unknown and cool as the last thing you'll ever do. And maybe, you never know, there could be something on the side ;)

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